Jeff Darman 610.925.1976 [email protected] https://www.capitalchallenge.com Threat of Stormy Weather Can't Stop Annual Run May 23, 2018 The Washington Post's "Newsprinters" won the coveted Richard G. Lugar Award as the fastest overall team at the ACLI (American Council of Life Insurers) Capital Challenge three-mile race held on Wednesday, May 16 in Washington, DC. Members of Congress were at the starting line, where they were joined by Presidential appointees, including the Solicitor General and several other high-level justice department staffers, members of the media and federal judges. Their participation showed that at least for a brief period there can be good-natured rivalry in Washington, DC. Known for its political humor, the race attracts a who's who of Washington VIPs. The fastest member of Congress for the second year in a row was Representative Mike Gallagher (R-WI) clocking in at an impressive 18:55. Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV) was crowned the fastest Senator (28:17), and Representative Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) smashed the old House record of 22:05 and was named fastest Congresswoman. The overall race winners were Martin Dieterich and Amanda Hicks, both of The Washington Post. Winning the prestigious James B. Kenin Worst Team Name award was "Running for Knee Damage Awareness" led by General D.A. Sims II, edging out "Speedy Chronzales" of The Chronicle for Higher Education. The Best Named Team honors went to "Stormy With a Chance of News" from The Chronicle of Higher Education. Runner up was "Game of Loans" from the Office of Federal Student Aid. A big hit at the race was Desiree Linden, 2018 Boston Marathon winner, who served as the official "whistle blower," starting the runners on their way. She then jumped in to run from the back of the pack, slowly moving through the runners and greeting many of the participants. The event raised enough funds for the Fidelco Guide Dog Foundation to provide another life-changing guide dog to a blinded veteran. All teams had to be captained by a U.S. Senator, Representative, Cabinet member or Sub-Cabinet Presidential appointee, Federal Judge, On-air media personality or professional journalist. The event is designed to highlight the fitness of many of the Capital's busiest leaders and tries to answer the question: which branch of government is the fittest? Sponsors in addition to ACLI are Aflac, Boston Mutual, Guardian, Hannover Re, Jackson National, John Hancock, MassMutual, MetLife, Nationwide, New York Life, One America, Pacific Life, Prudential, RGA, Transamerica, USAA, UTG, Western and Southern Financial Group and media sponsor CQ Roll Call. | |||||||