For more information, please contact: Jeff
Health Initiative Replaces Previous "Shrill Baby Shrill"
Atmosphere April 9, 2010 The
Annual ACLI Capital Challenge returns on Wednesday, April 28 at 8:00
a.m. in Washington, D.C.'s East Potomac Park (new site). This annual athletic spectacle shows that not all in
Washington are slow to react. Known
for its irreverence and political humor, the three-mile race is drawing
the usual VIP cast. Each
year, the event attracts scores of members of Congress and high-ranking
political appointees, television correspondents, print reporters,
Federal Judges and other Washington VIPs on over 130 teams.
Partisan rancor, at least for one day, is replaced by
good-natured trash talk. Teams
are captained by U.S. Senators, Representatives, Cabinet Members,
Sub-Cabinet appointees, Federal Judges, On-Air personalities and
professional print journalists. Each CAPTAIN must finish for his or her team to score.
This invitational team competition which started in 1981,
spotlights the fitness of many of the country's busiest leaders.
“Ironman” Senator Richard G. Lugar has never missed finishing the
race and will be leading his team for the 29th time.
He will be joined by many Senate and House Committee Chairs and
ranking members, print journalists, TV correspondents, Secretary of
Transportation Ray LaHood, architects of the census, Army Generals, the
FBI and many others. The
ACLI Capital Challenge, which benefits the District of Columbia Special
Olympics, has as its title sponsor ACLI (American Council of Life
Insurers). ACLI is a
Washington, D.C. – based trade association.
ACLI's 300-plus member companies offer life insurance;
annuities; pensions, including 401(k)'s; long-term care insurance;
disability income insurance; reinsurance and other retirement and
financial protection products. The
ACLI Capital Challenge annually settles the question of what branch of
the federal Government is the fittest.
Or will the media end up on top?
All entry fees as well as an additional donation from the
sponsors goes to Special Olympics, D.C.
The race has raised over $400,000 since its inception. Special Attraction On
hand to start the runners on their way as official whistle blower will
be Chief Running Officer of Runner's
World, Bart Yasso. Bart,
a present day running legend, is known to many as the "Mayor of Running." He has run over 1000 races on all seven continents, from the
Antarctic to the Mt. Kilimanjaro Marathon.
He has completed the Ironman Triathlon five times and the
Badwater Ultra (135 miles) through Death Valley. The race motto is, "no congressman left behind," said Race Director Jeff Darman, "and on April 28 we will see who has benefited from the stimulus," he added. Spirited competition is already being waged in the battle for Best and Worst Named Team awards. According to senior race officials, some early contenders and captains include:
riverfront course is out and back in East Potomac Park (Hains Point).
After the race, runners will enjoy a catered continental
breakfast (TARP, Tired
Athletes Refreshments Program)
along with pure spring water compliments of Northwestern Mutual.
Major sponsors in addition to ACLI include AEGON USA, ING, John
Hancock, MetLife, New York Life, Northwestern Mutual, Prudential, RGA,
Swiss Re, Western and Southern Financial Group and Roll
Call. Qualified
teams may obtain information from Jeff Darman, Director, ACLI Capital
Challenge, 110 East State Street, Suite 15, Kennett Square, PA. 19348,
610-925-1976 or from www.capitalchallenge.com.